Edition 5/15 of German “Outdoor Magazin” contains my article about my very hot trekking tour to Kamchatka in 2013.
Edition 02/15 of German “trekking Magazin” contains my article about a short hiking tour in Switzerland (Link to German article).
Edition 02/15 of German “trekking Magazin” is out. Contains two articles of mine about volcano trekking (Link to German article) and about a short hiking tour in Switzerland. And, big honor, I was asked to write the foreword!
In German newspaper “Frankfurter Rundschau” has been published an German article about me as a “Lava hunter” on March 29th.
Today has been published an article about me and Kamchatka in our local newspaper Taunuszeitung (Link to the German PDF). Also in the online edition you’ll find some pics.